The 5 Aspects of a Strong Volunteer Program
Building a volunteer program isn’t easy, but it may be simpler than you might think. There are five key aspects of a strong volunteer program:...
2 min read
Andy Fryar, Better Impact (Australia Office)
Mar 5, 2021 5:19:24 PM
An article in the Weekend Australian explains that in an effort to retain staff members and be more receptive to the lifestyle needs of working mothers, babies are now sharing the office space in some of our major corporations.
In the US, this is already becoming a wide spread practice with some major companies already employing this form of support for its workers, with many tipping that this type of program will continue to take hold here in Australia.
With the contents of this article fresh in my mind, I happened to attend a meeting with a representative of a major Australia coffee retail company. The specialty of this company is to provide small, modern coffee making units which at the push of a button dispense high quality fresh coffee products such as cappuccinos, lattes and hot chocolate along with more standard coffee products.
The most interesting part of our conversation (for me at least) centered on the fact that while in the past these type of ‘luxury’ coffee products may have been confined to a local café at lunch time, many Australian companies are now installing these coffee dispensing units throughout their operations for staff to access (free of charge) right throughout the work day. In fact, I was told that many major corporations now have at least one of these units on every floor!
Why? Well because workers today are demanding this – not as a luxury but as an expectation in their workplace. For employees, having access to these small luxuries can often make all the difference between them staying with the company or moving elsewhere. For employers, the expense of providing coffee and retaining employees for longer is far more cost effective than having to continually recruit and induct new staff.
In both cases, the equation is a simple one.
Happy staff equals a happy workplace which in turn equals greater company retention. As the availability of workers continues to become even scarcer, this equation will continue to become an even more critical one.
So where does that leave the volunteering world?
For many years, the ‘traditional’ way of providing support and recognition to our volunteers has been simple. Badges acknowledging years of service, the odd Christmas party, certificates of appreciation.
But the question must be asked of whether or not these forms of retention and acknowledgement still ‘cut it’?
Volunteers, like paid staff, have busy lives to juggle.
Is it time the voluntary sector took a leaf from the book of human resource management and found new ways to support volunteers in undertaking their involvement within the community?
There is little doubt that those volunteer organisations who find ways to make volunteering more attractive will both attract – and more importantly retain more volunteers.
The ways we have traditionally achieved this are becoming less effective, and we need to find new ways to address these issues as we move into the future.
So my questions that I'd love to hear you chime in on are:
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