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Better Impact Blog

The world of the nonprofit sector is constantly changing. Better Impact presents some thought leadership on a variety of topics in volunteer management and donor relations, and invites you to be a part of the conversation.

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Volunteer Engagement

2 min read

Streamlining Volunteer Engagement: The Power of Volunteer Management Software

Introduction In today's dynamic non-profit landscape, volunteer engagement is more crucial than ever. Volunteers are the lifeblood of many...

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Volunteer Burnout

3 min read

Hot Take: Volunteer Burnout Burns Out Volunteer Engagement Professionals

We talk a lot about burnout in the nonprofit sector, and burnout is especially common among volunteer engagement professionals. According to a 2017...

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3 min read

Bridging the Digital Gap: Volunteers Connecting Communities

In this article, I will briefly explore the transformative power of volunteerism in addressing digital exclusion. In volunteer engagement, we often...

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2 min read

The 5-Minute Mini – Coaching Colleagues

“How can I help my colleagues feel more comfortable providing feedback to volunteers?”

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3 min read

Unlocking Volunteer Superpowers: A quick guide to a transformative volunteer engagement strategy

Introduction Nonprofit organisations frequently rely on the dedication and contribution of volunteers. We’ve all heard the gushing praise and warm...

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2 min read

Volunteer Stewardship…New applications for an older concept

Recently, I was working with a statewide grassroots organization dedicated to developing leaders and encouraging civic engagement locally. In our...

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5 min read

How to Connect with Volunteers Through Google Ad Grants

You’ve completed all the steps to create a successful volunteer program and started recruiting volunteers. However, you’re not connecting with as...

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4 min read

How to Use Storytelling to Connect with Potential Volunteers

Your nonprofit relies on volunteers to power your operations and push your mission forward. Whether they’re completing administrative duties, helping...

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6 min read

4 Ways to Engage Volunteers in Your Nonprofit’s Events

The many moving parts of nonprofit events—from planning your event agenda and gathering auction items to coordinating with caterers and designing...

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6 min read

4 Creative Volunteer Engagement Strategies To Try Now

Dedicated volunteers give your nonprofit the momentum to move its mission forward. With their time, talents, and energy, your volunteers help you...

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