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Better Impact Blog

The world of the nonprofit sector is constantly changing. Better Impact presents some thought leadership on a variety of topics in volunteer management and donor relations, and invites you to be a part of the conversation.

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4 min read

volunteer statistical fun facts from around the world

Although most of the research published does not lend itself to country-to-country comparisons, here's a compilation of stats from a variety of...

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4 min read

4 Ways Your Website Can Feature Your Volunteer Program

The best nonprofit websites are designed to share information about all aspects of an organization. From a nonprofit’s goal to its day-to-day...

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10 min read

Using video throughout the volunteer life cycle

There is no question that digital transformations have accelerated since the pandemic started. If there is one thing the past year has showed us is...

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Rocks balancing against a sunrise

4 min read

Coping for success

The more I have the opportunity to meet with Volunteer Program Managers from a wide range of settings and backgrounds, the more I appreciate just how...

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Cane Toad

4 min read

The Cane Toad Effect

I once was asked to speak at a conference on the topic of ‘Navigating the Brave New World’ of volunteerism.

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